Ja fa temps que vaig descobrir que gracies a internet podiem escoltar radios d'arreu del món. Ja fa temps que escolto Sounds of the Caribbean un programa de reggae, roots, dub ... de tres hores de durada, amb una entrega setmanal que ens fa sentir les bones vibracions i sens dubte ens fa ballar al ritme de la molla i ens alegra el dia! Els podeu escoltar a través del seu podcast setmanal al enllaç
SOUNDS OF THE CARIBBEAN o bé mitjançant el programa ITUNES
"I am the host of Sounds of the Caribbean heard each Saturday from 2-6pm in the South Jersey and Philadelphia areas. I have been on the air since April 1995 playing the best roots and culture, lover's rock, dancehall, and soca music this side of the Caribbean. I am a musician, recording artist (Keith & Tex), and owner of Mixdat Recording Studios. This web site will provide news on reggae music old and new, my weekly radio playlist, reviews of new releases, and general news of performances and anything of interest that is happening. I report my playlist to a variety of sources. Send music to the radio station address above for play and/or review. One love!"
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